
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2010年1月11日 星期一

Synergy of Excellence and Communication Competence with NLP*, Class 4

Synergy of Excellence and Communication Competence with NLP*, Class 4
* (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Date: 13/6. 20/6, 27/6 & 4/7/2009 (4 Days, 28 Hours)

Feedback from the class:
  1. Hi Lawrence, 多謝專業的 NLP trainer 同我地分享寶貴既 NLP 知識 , 沒想到會收到由精美禮物留為紀念, 四天課程令我獲益良多, 尤其十分欣賞Lawrence在這短短的時間內對每位學員產生的正面能量, 而陳醫生的 Body Scane 更令我大開眼界, 唔知幾時再有機會再參加課程。It's really inspiring!  多謝各位老師對我的啟發!筠庭, July 2009
  2. Dear Lawrence, I have put down what I felt about the 4 day training in the feedback paper, but words are simply not enough for the appreciation I have for you who have delivered the training so well and professionally. I enjoyed every minute of the 4 day class, that is one thing I am certain of. Once again, I am glad I made the right choice to have attended your classs. It is money and time well spent. Clement Lai, 5/7/2009
  3. I wish to have the opportunity to attend your class again in future, in the form of refresher or intermediate course.Refreshing experience to have attended this 4-day NLP course. Certainly a value for money training experience, even without the added advantage of the CNE credits. And I would be a miss NOT to appreciate the excellent coaching by Lawrence.
  4. Lawrence經常運用例子、故事,表達得十分好!
  5. 導師Lawrence 的講解,經常用例子來說明有關課題,在Lawrence身上切實地學到“溝通”技巧。
  6. Lawrence真誠的分享及盡心的教導。
  7. Lawrence活潑的講解,使課程充滿趣味性。
  8. 導師投入用心,全情付出,感染每一位學員。
  9. 導師教授技巧生動有趣,有動感不沉悶,易明白,欣賞講課的氣氛...
  10. 講者之講授技巧非常好,能舉實際例子,透過故事及分享等方式讓我明白課程的內容。教授的方式既生動又有趣味,很高興能夠有機會參與這個課程。
  11. 講師的充份備課、用心,Lawrence不但教授課程內容,同時我在Lawrence身上也有不少得著。
  12. 我亦很欣賞同學分享的環節,包括討論和分享,以致可以促使我思考如何把其應用在工作以致生活上。
  13. Reframing -這部份很有趣,可以將一些負面情況重新Reframe,有時可以將缺點變優點。運用積極詞彙 - 說話的技巧,可以改變好多嘢!其實其它都好好,不過我比較喜歡上述2個。
  14. 內容豐富及實用,導師運用了不少故事,互動活動使流程十分...
  15. 讓自己認識自己有很多限制信念影響自己個人情緒及價值觀,這個課程讓我重新檢視自己積極,樂觀面對前路,多謝導師的教導和分享...

Licensed Practitioner Certificate

Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Caring Professionals 


