
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2010年1月11日 星期一

Synergy of Excellence and Communication Competence with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Class 2

Course: Synergy of Excellence and Communication Competence with NLP*, Class 2
NLP* - Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Date: 28/6/2008, 5/7/2008 &  12/7/2008 (21 Hours)

Feedbacks from the class:
  1. Lawrence多謝你三日來的“力量”,我得到的知識遠比“溝通”這個課題更甚! Ah Fung
  2. Lawrence謝謝你的分享。謝謝你為我們提供的課程,讓我們可以從中開眼界,啓迪內心思維,重新為自己計劃未來。謝謝! Sarah, Nurse
  3. 多謝舉辦這三天的NLP課程,實在十分精采、超值和實用。欣賞Lawrence預備了豐富的教材資料和靈活生動的演繹技巧;更嘉許你善用每個課題的環節,重覆深化內容的重點,加深學員的印象,鼓勵我們實際應用於生活及工作崗位上;而且不斷以正念及愛的訊息灌溉我們內心慈悲的種子,實在語重心祥,令人致敬! Athena, Nursing Officer, Superintendent
  4. 三天的課程過得真快,上完NLP另我更加認識自己,觀察力也加強了。Lawrence你係一個很出色的講師,講解方式生動有趣使用日常點滴作例子很快便另我們產生共鳴,而同我一齊上課的兩位朋友亦被你深深感染,改善與家人之間關係,多謝你Lawrence我會用多啲第二身及第三身思考。 Amanda Ken
  5. Thanks for remember me as one of your NLP trainee.And also thanks for design such a inspired training for those who has no idea about NLP, like me!The photos you send to me reminded me had went through a sustain training that I've got a lot from it! Thanks again the time being with you and the members on that 3 days! I will tell my friends about this training if they were interested. Sarah Lo
  6. 在 NLP 課程中學到很多很有用的技巧, 思想及眼界也廣闊不少, 在工作上也能運用到 ,多謝你的推介, thank you so much! Irene Tsang
  7. 朱先生演說很有技巧,場面控制很有效。
  8. Lawrence每次講例子時之生動及配合身體語言,使我更能留下深刻之記憶,期望每堂之後回家與家人分享。
  9. 導師親切,用生動的例子讓同學吸收...
  10. 導師以實際生活及工作經驗融滙於理論上,發揮社福界及醫護界應用上的獨特性。
  11. 導師表達生動靈活,有助吸收理論...

