
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2010年12月22日 星期三

Corporate Training at IKEA 2010

Topic: Mental Health Wellness (Responding to Mental Health Crisis in the Workplace)
Organization: IKEA

Date: 10/11/2010 (Class 1), 25/11/2010 (Class 2), 10/12/2010 (Class 3)

Trainees' Feedback Summaries on Lawrence's training

  1. It was a fantastic program we ever have as from external resources. Not only that the topics itself is new and interesting, and your delivery is just excellent!
  2. 欣賞導師講解生動有趣,課程內容深入淺出。
  3. Able to look & learn about mental health client, how to deal with them.
  4. 課程很豐富,很生動。
  5. 課程讓我學到的性格分析很有效到,對協助管理及客戶服務很有幫助。
  6. 絕無冷場...
  7. 整個課程都很吸引...
  8. Very good, interesting.
  9. 導師表現非常專業,並引用日常例子令學員容易了解。
  10. 正!


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers

「從突破思維到優質服務」工作坊 2010

Date: 17/8 (Class 1), 24/8 (Class 2), 31/8 (Class 3)
Organization: Helping Hand

Trainees' Feedback Summaries on Lawrence's Training

  1. 課程讓我可以從多方面去睇/聽每件事,從以提升對服務對象既服務質素!
  2. 「突破思維」是我最欣賞的一部份,讓我支持/認識到平時生活上有很多框框,如能按工作上的範圍而突破,也是一樣美妙;但在學習或思考上較為困難,有機會時也想深入認識。
  3. 今天能將卡氏坐標帶走;實踐生活中,非常感激。
  4. 了解當遇到令自己情緒上有起伏既長者既處理方法,讓自己有可以更加懂得處理。
  5. 多謝Lawrence帶給我精彩絕倫、有价值、有創意、沒有冷場、充滿互動和分享、非常實用的一課。「從突破思維到優質服務」,我感受到一份彷似雨後清新的空氣。多謝您的指導!
  6. 用生動的實例和圖片引發參加者思考,互動性高,非常有 insight ! Thank you !
  7. 導師生鬼,舉例生動,很多有趣的例子。
  8. 欣賞導師的例子解說,
  9. 欣賞 Lawrence  的努力、職員的投入。
  10. Perception reality 多角度的想法,刺激自己的思維。