
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2014年1月19日 星期日

Licensed Practitioner of NLP for Caring Professional

Course: Licensed Practitioner of NLP for Caring Professionals
Class 11: 10/2012 - 1/2013 (8 Days)
Class 12:  4/2013 - 7/2013 (8 Days)
Class 13:  10/2013 - 1/2014 (8 Days)

Trainees Feedback:
  1. “Your training has inspired me to look at things differently from the Neuro-Linguistic point of view. I enjoyed my 8-day learning. I also admire your seriousness and passion in the training and you did not avoid telling us the limitations of  NLP. Thank you and your team in delivering the course, the arrangement of which was perfect.”   Tam, Director of Student Service, a local University.
  2. 透過課程,讓我對NLP有新的見解,打破以往對NLP對負面感覺...以NLP加放在輔導中,將會發揮更大效果。
  3. 欣賞講故事部分,背後的哲理好有啓發性,重新檢視與人溝通的模式,看一件事的睇法,別人說話目的有更多了解,在個人發展上多了些左右銘。
  4. 課程整體很全面,幫助我確立及有結構地了解自己.。
  5. 全部都很實用,內容很實務及對自己有幫助。
  6. 講師講說風趣,,以及內容豐富,漸易而容易明白。
  7. 導師非常用心準備及設計課程,.導師對課程認真,投入及熟識度,能融會貫通知識及日常生活例子,衷心感謝,獲益良多。
  8. 朱Sir很用心教導,多種活動模式(遊戲、故事、短片等),有效令學員體會及應用。
  9. 欣賞課程內容豐富,導師能滙貫通,深入淺出,讓學習成為一愉快過程,謝謝!
  10. 導師真誠,繼續熱情全力無私奉獻,獲益終身!.Millions thanks! 
  11. The excellent presentation skills (of Lawrence) is impressed me so much and I am really pleased to attend this fruitful course that bring my life into a Blank New one.
  12. 導師生動的講學,令一個過往上堂都會發呆,瞓訓覺的我,上這個課程沒有出現.,Thk. Lawrence. 
  13. Comunication skills and positive language to enhance flexibility for social interaction, useful for work and family situations.
  14. 課程提升思維模式,透過各種 Models /Approaches e.g.Milton Models / Coaching,提升思維方法和同學之間的交際溝通,欣賞Lawrence的清晰講解。
  15. 欣賞課程內容充實,講者 present 得靈活,易明。
  16. 能夠以很多生活性例子,認識如何有溝通及改變負面思考。
  17. 很享受整個NLP課程,讓我在溝通上更有智慧; 幫助我在輔導範圍上進入新領域。課程編排很有系統、內容充實,學到的不僅是 NLP 的技巧, 而更著重背後的理論,很合乎美國著名作家Simon Sinek 的 Golden Circle 理論中最重要的 “Why” 。Lawrence 的 presentation很生動,很專業,對 NLP 知識很豐富, 講解的個案例子實在,非常實用恰到。盼望這課程可以幫助更多人, 謝謝!    Pastor Robin 李滿林牧師