
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2010年1月13日 星期三

處理精神健康相關之危機事故及挑戰性行為 (2008 Summary)

Course: 處理精神健康相關之危機事故及挑戰性行為 / Handling mentally ill/ emotionally unstable persons

Organization/ Date
  1. Judiciary 司法機構 26/2/2008 & 15/5/2008
  2. HK Lutheran Social Service 24/6/2008 & 25/6/2008
  3. Mothers Choice 25/10/2008

 Feedback from Trainees:
  1. 欣賞講者風趣的演說,掌握學員的情緒及步伐,能生動地帶動學員投入。
  2. 舉了一些講員的親身經驗,讓所講的內容更清晰,欣賞分享經驗、講者的故事分享、幽默的分享...
  3. 能讓參加者在一個開心愉快的環境下學習相關知識及技巧。
  4. 欣賞講者的現實經驗及經驗分享。
  5. 講員甚掌握互動及參加者的狀態。
  6. 欣賞講者有關工作經驗豐富,分享個人經歷,經驗有說服力。
  7. 欣賞工作經驗例子演繹。
  8. 欣賞 lawrence 熱沈於工作中對人的同理心...
  9. 非常享受工作坊的每個部份:內容充實,技巧合用。
  10. 欣賞一些真實個案及經驗的分享,取材亦見顯淺易明...
  11. 講者很有實際經驗,說話有說服力,很認真及投入,對課題很認識...
  12. Take many example and let me know some knowledge more clear...
  13. Many case sharings / examples for explanation...
  14. Body & Mind & Language的概念十分有用!
  15. 很欣賞講員分享的例子。
  16. 整體均非常滿意。

暴力行為控制及人本脫身法認證課程 (香港)

Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved

Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (For Hong Kong)

