
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2012年4月7日 星期六

Date: 10 March 2012

Trainee Feedbacks
  1. 導師表現卓越,將「專業演說」親身示範,完完全全的將課題表演一遍,讓學員充分了解每一個要點及技術的應用;內容充實,將重點一一娓娓道來,絕無冷場,從導師對整個工作坊的編排及佈局,可以感受到導師對教導的熱誠,我也獲益良多,多謝導師的專業教導和分享! Paul Chan – Engineer
  2. “It is a very fruitful workshop that Lawrence not only demonstrated theessential presentation skills by himself as a role model, he also taught us his secret tips to enhance the quality of presentation. This systematic workshop, through both theory and practice, definitely helps me presenting in public. I look forward to the advanced workshop of presentation skills by Lawrence!” Candy, Clinical Psychologist
  3. As a chief staff officer (operations and training), I have done enough presentation that relevant to my duty. Even that, I still aware some degree of incompetence in presentation, and drive me to seek for related training especially the quality one. Lawrence becomes one of my flavor instructors after I had attended his NLP course. Once I noted that he will conduct the workshop on “Presentation Excellence”, I joined in unhesitatingly. Same as my previous experience, I very much appreciate either in contents of the workshop or Lawrence’s teaching as well as most of our classmate those are experienced presenters already. Even Lawrence himself claimed that having the attendants like us on the workshop really give him some pressure. But the positive feedbacks form us at the end of the workshop show that his worry is not necessary. Ray Li, Chief Staff Officer, Operations and Training, Hong Kong Society of Professional Medical Care
  4. Excellence! 謝謝 Lawrence 給了我們這樣美好的一課,給了我們很重要的演講學習技巧及方法, 更重要是啟發了我們成功演說的努力方向—只有做足準備的演說者,才有資格展現自信。我希望能在未來日子, 能繼續向你學習. 最後真的能成為一位自信的演說者。 Fung Chun Ho, Dennis, Assistant Manager, Fu Hong Society
  5. 課程內容照顧全面,尤以開首將兩個故事交义地演譯,到演說尾段才說出故事結局,結局的結論又與演說內容相關,使聽眾回想起演說的內容。還有衣著、演說大忌、專通、視覺效果等……均能提供實用的意見。Edith, Nurse
  6. Lawrence 運用豐富的圖像、精彩的肢體語言、生動的課程設計…,帶領學員思考、記憶與運用。看得出 Lawrence 真的很用心、力… 。上過這堂後,不但能學到Presentation Skills,人也覺得「開竅」了! Sue, Nurse, Hospital Authority

