
Principal Trainer (HKSPT), Psychological Counselor, Volunteer - Breakthrough Counseling Centre (2004-2011), Professional Consultant - Louis Program Training (2004-2012), Master of Social Science in Counseling (Uni SA), Licensed/Certified NLP Trainer(SNLPTM,IANLP,INLPA), Registered Corporate Coach (WABC), Licensed Facilitator - The Coaching Clinic (CCUI), Licensed Medical NLP Health Practitioner (UK), Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHE, NGH), Certified Physical Restraint and Breakaway Instructor (UK), Registered Nurse (Psy.), Accredited Family Mediator (HKIAC)

2011年9月18日 星期日

Practitioner Certificate Course of NLP for Caring Professionals (Class 8)

Practitioner Certificate Course of NLP for Caring Professionals (Class 8)
Date: 25 June 2011 - 17-September 2011 (8 days + 3 evenings)

Feedbacks from Trainees:

  1. 十分欣賞朱先生用心教學,預備充足,內容充實,實用,共8天3夜課程都十分精彩,絕無冷場。我會再報讀朱先生的課程;亦會介紹朋友報讀。Good!!!
  2. 欣賞課程所有部份,導師能點題使學員明白運用。
  3. 導師無私地灌輸自己所學所理解的NLP知識,也在教導上非常用心。
  4. 導師認真教學、用心去教、備課充足。
  5. 導師深入淺出,令人容易明白扼要重點。
  6. 導師用心的教導,從心而發。
  7. 講者準備十分充足,而他亦很用心留意同學是否明白課堂,再評估是否需作調整。.
  8. 阿Sir每堂的 Energy Level 都好高,好用心去分享NLP的知識,深入淺出。
  9. 導師很用心去作指導,並能帶動課堂上整體的學習氣氛。
  10. Using stories & cases to elaborate the concept and approach, the powerpoint is good, the notes and reference is comprehensive, demonstration is appropriate.
  11. 用例子,You-tube短片,練習技巧,以助參加者掌握有關的概念和技巧。
  12. 生動有趣實用。課程之小故事令人引人入勝,使明白NLP之理論。
  13. 講解具體清晰,氣氛輕鬆,實用性強。
  14. 課程安排及資料準備。可以啓發學生將NLP運用在工作及生活上。
  15. 導師Powerpoint精美,教班技巧生動有趣,令人容易明白,very good!!
  16. 導師的知識豐富,教學技巧熟練 ,吸引各學員的投入感及參與性。
  17. Teacher, Lawrence is really smart!


Homepage: www.hkspt.org

Licensed Practitioner Certificate

Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Caring Professionals


